Survey 1


Survey 2


Survey 3

Demographic Profile

*Please fill in the blanks according to your personal circumstances.


Responses to AI focus questions

*Please rate the following statement according to your perception in terms of influence (or how do these statements directly impact you) on your personal belief in becoming an effective teacher. Please provide yoour responses using the format provide below.

Response format:

  • (1) Has No influence
  • (2) Has Low influence
  • (3) Has Moderate influence
  • (4) Has High influence

1. Asked to share what I see are the life giving forces I find in my daily practice.

2. Asked to open thoughts on what matters to teaching I find great opportunity fro growth.

3. Asked to give profound exampples of best practices I see from my colleagues.

4. Asked to identify collective strengths there are about the teaching in my school.

5. Asked to initiate positive discussion of inmprovement in my personal teaching capacity.

1. Asked to reflect on what personal values I hold the most important as I practice teaching.

2. Asked to introspect about how valuable my practice on teaching has been to me.

3. Asked to contemplate on what I believe is connected to my practice of teaching.

4. Asked to self-examine to what I found to be continuing at the heart of teaching.

5. Asked to think deeply about what I respect the most in my teaching profession.

1. Asked to recall a time when I felt the most alive in the classroom as I taught.

2. Asked to restrospect at my past achievements in my profession as a teacher.

1 2 3 4

3. Asked to remember a high moments of experiences in my younger years in teaching.

4. Asked to celebrate with students that I have helped to succeed.

5. Asked to look back at a specific time where I could say I was at my best in teaching.

1. Asked to imagine a scenario where my weakest students have improved greatly in class.

2. Asked to project my self in the future demonstrating effective teaching at its finest.

3. Asked to attribute how I may have possibly received an award for teaching excellence.

4. Asked to visualize myself as an exemplary model for young teachers.

5. Asked to envision collectively what my accomplishments in teaching will be.

Level of TSE

*Please rate the following statement according to your perceive thoughts. Please provide yoour responses using the format provide below.

Response format:

  • (1) Not at all true
  • (2) Barely true
  • (3) Moderately true
  • (4) Exactly true

1. I am convinced that I am able to succesfully teach all relevant subject content to event the most difficult students.

2. I know that I can maintain a positive relationship with parents even when tensions arise.

3. When I try really hard, I am able to reach even the most difficult students.

4. I am convinced that, as time goes by, I will continue to become more and more capable of helping a to address my students' needs.

5. Even if I get disrupted while teaching, I am confident that I can maintain my composture and continue to teach well.

6. I am confident in my ability to be responive to my students' needs even if I am havong a bad day.

7. If I try hard enough, I know that I can exert a positive influence on the personal and academic development of my students.

8. I am convinced that I can develop creative ways to cope with system constraints ( such as budget cuts and other administrative problems) and continue to teach well.

9. I know that I can motive my students to participate with innovative projects.

10. I know that I can carry out innovative projects even when I am opposed by sceptical colleagues.
